Hypodermic Injections
5 found
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsHypodermic Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Safety DeviceAvailable for a wide range of clinical applications involving hypodermic needles.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsHypodermic Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Safety Device Fixed Needle TB SyringeHelps provide injection safety and is available with 26G, and 27G needles fixed to 1 mL TB syringes.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsInsulin Syringe with Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Safety Hypodermic NeedleHelps provide insulin syringe safety and is available with 26G and 27G, needles attached to 1.0 mL U-100 luer slip insulin syringes.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsTB Syringes with Needle-Pro™ EDGE™ Hypodermic NeedlesAvailable for medication delivery via syringe injection or TB testing, immunizations, allergy testing, delivery of pain medications, and local anesthetics.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Hypodermics / Hypodermic InjectionsBlunt Fill NeedleHelp reduce the risk of needlestick injuries to healthcare workers when drawing up and preparing medication by removing the need for sharps.
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