Arterial Blood Sampling
7 found
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingPro-Vent Plus™ 1 mL Syringe – Dry Lithium HeparinPro-Vent Plus 1 mL Arterial Blood Sampling Syringes utilize dry lithium heparin with a concentration of approximately 23.5 IU per mL.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingPro-Vent PlusTM 1 mL Syringe – Dry Lithium Low HeparinPro-Vent Plus 1 mL Arterial Blood Sampling Syringes utilize dry lithium heparin with a low concentration of approximately 7 IU per mL.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingPro-Vent Plus™ 3 mL – Dry Lithium Low HeparinPro-Vent Plus 3 mL Arterial Blood Sampling Syringes utilize dry lithium heparin with a low concentration of approximately 7 IU per mL.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingPro-Vent Plus™ 3 mL Syringe – Dry Lithium HeparinPro-Vent Plus 3 mL Arterial Blood Sampling Syringes utilize dry lithium heparin with a concentration of approximately 23.5 IU per mL.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingLineDraw™ Arterial Blood Sampling KitsLineDraw Plus aspirating syringes with a variety of dry lithium heparin concentrations, designed for blood sampling directly from an arterial line
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingPulsator™ Plus Arterial Blood Sampling Kits – Dry Lithium HeparinPulsator 3 mL Arterial Blood Sampling Syringes utilize dry lithium heparin with a concentration of approximately 23.5 IU per mL.
- Infusion Therapy / Vascular Access / Diagnostic Stewardship / Arterial Blood SamplingAnaerobic Line Draw - Liquid Sodium HeparinAnaerobic LineDraw aspirating syringes, with liquid sodium heparin, designed for blood sampling directly from an arterial line
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