Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer

Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer

The Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer is designed for use with the Hotline Fluid Warming Sets to warm blood and intravenous (IV) fluids and deliver them to the patient’s intravenous access site at normothermic temperatures under gravity flow conditions.

The Hotline Warmer is intended for use by trained medical personnel to provide routine flow of warmed IV fluid. The triple lumen tube eliminates patient line cool down.

Product Benefits

  • Easy set-up - The disposable securely connects to mounting block with an audible click
  • Easy maintenance - Because O-rings do not need lubricating, monthly preventative maintenance is eliminated*

*When using hydrogen peroxide recirculating solution protocol

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Specifications / Ordering Information

Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer

Reorder Code Item units per case
HL-390 Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer, 41°C/105.8°F Set Point 1
HL-390-38 Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer, 38°C/100.4°F Set Point 1
HL-390-40 Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warmer, 40°C/104°F Set Point 1
HLTA-390 Hotline3 Temperature Check 1
L-370 Hotline 3 Blood and Fluid Warming Set Disposable 20

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