Diana™ ACS
Automated Drug Compounding System
Automated sterile compounding for the accurate, safe, and efficient preparation of hazardous drugs.
- User-controlled automated system for repeatable accuracy.
- Helps reduce exposure to hazardous drugs.
- Minimizes repetitive motion stresses.
- Helps maintain drug sterility.
The unique features of the Diana automated compounding system facilitate high-volume compounding of IV medications, allowing you to improve your existing batch filling process to be more accurate, safe, and efficient

Channel 1 - Low-Volume Transfer
- Add medication to patient IV bags
- Add medication to syringes
- Add medication to elastomeric pumps
- Extract every drop of drug
Channel 2 - High-Volume Transfer
- Reconstitute lyophilized drugs
- Add diluent to patient IV bags
- Fill a syringe or elastomeric pump
- Batch-prepare a series of container
Reducing Human Data Entry Error.
The Diana automated compounding system's barcode scanner references a library of over 6500 unique injectable drug names and concentrations to help minimize data entry errors while giving you enhanced traceability, improved documentation, and complete validation of each preparation.
Providing a Complete Record of Each Preparation
After each mix is completed, the Diana automated compounding system sends the medication name, volume, time, and date to a printer that creates up to five labels containing preparation information to complement your validation and quality assurance process, help prevent medication errors, and provide a record of past preparations.
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