Integrated Energy and Environmental Management System Policy

ICU Medical Costa Rica, with its manufacture of medical devices and infusion pumps, began its journey towards environmental sustainability in 1999, when its operation began, implementing a robust waste management program, which has evolved over the years achieving that 80% of its waste is recovered or treated and not sent to landfills.

Since 2011, we have participated in the Ecological Blue Flag Program, this is a voluntary program launched by Costa Rica, where each year of participation, the company has to present an extensive document where it shows the environmental improvements that it has implemented during the year, related to savings in water consumption, energy, waste management, environmental education, among others.

In 2015, the facilities department began the implementation of an energy management system based on the following workflow: Technology replacement, industrial automation, energy tariff, and operational efficiency. Based on this work plan, in 2021 the ISO 50001: Energy Management System certification was obtained, which has been evaluated annually by an external entity that certifies compliance with the commitment to energy efficiency.

In 2024, ICU Medical Costa Rica began the implementation process in ISO 14001: Environmental Management System and the carbon footprint inventory was calculated, with the aim of establishing an Integrated Energy and Environmental Management System.

Based on this journey, ICU Medical communicates to all its stakeholders its Integrated Energy and Environmental Management System Policy, which consists of:

“ICU Medical Costa Rica with its Integrated Energy and Environmental Management System contributes to environmental sustainability and competitiveness, through innovation in energy and environmental efficiency continuous improvement, environmental protection, pollution prevention, rational use of resources, compliance with legal requirements and other requirements of the organization for the improvement of energy and environmental performance”

This policy highlights the importance of energy and environmental efficiency in fulfilling our commitment to patients, customers and our employees, as well as managing our reputation with investors and other stakeholders or interested parties.